A Little Bit Everyday

A Little Bit Everyday

(The sequel...)

A Little Bit Everyday

We ended our last blog [click here] saying that … the quality of what we do in those 5 minutes is key. We could let children just play on an ‘online’ app … but we know that clearly didn’t work for all children last year!


To ensure the quality of what you do in 5 minutes is going to have an impact, here is our suggestion…


Within any one week, the children engage with 5 key elements:  


In class:


Element 1: Quizzes (three each week)


The quiz is aimed to improve three things: 

- children’s recall of the targeted facts for that week 

- children’s speed of recall of facts

- children’s resilience and belief


Each quiz has 25 timed questions,  



The children use a record sheet to celebrate which facts they know, which facts they don’t know YET … and crucially, which ones they need to work on!


Element 2: CheckItChuckItChangeIt Challenges (two each week)


This actiivty takes the focus off getting the correct answer and putting the spotlight on ‘the answer is only the beginning’. By correcting the incorrect facts, children develop and embed their  understanding of the multiplicative composition of numbers rather than just isolated facts.


Each challenge has 25 multiplcation facts … some are correct, some are wrong. 


CheckIt ChuckIt ChangeIt Image


In each challenge, children: 

i) check the correct ones 

ii)  chuck the incorrect ones

iii)  change and explain the incorrect ones









Element 3: Factor/Factor/Product (one each week)

Each week, a factor/factor/product mat puts the spotlight on one of the key MTC weighted facts. The mat is designed to immerse the child in that one fact and explore the multiplicative composition of numbers rather than just isolated facts



Children need to know all 21 by June!



Element 4: Chanting this week’s targeted multiplication table, try chanting ‘factor-factor-product’ (e.g. 4, 3, 12) rather than a multiplication fact (4 x 3 =12). 


Out of class

Element 5: Practise the use of technology, e.g https://urbrainy.com/mtc/test#




Of course, we also need to talk about the BIG elephant in the room!



It is a simple concept, one teachers probably take for granted, but how much attention do we really pay to creating the type of climate for all pupils to feel a sense of belonging, purpose and self-efficacy?


Along with growth, these are three other academic mindsets that can affect how pupils learn. Knowing that your teacher believes you can achieve is so powerful for all pupils. 


So, 100 ‘in-school’ days to go to MTC … let’s do this!


More information about the resources mentioned can be found here: 




Here’s a strategic plan mapped out across those 100 days including a blended approach of 5 key online and paper-based elements using the CanDoMaths ‘Mastering the MTC’ resources: 



*just to be clear, the blog author thinks the MTC is a nonsense. Of course, it’s important that all children know the multiplication bonds but, of course, it’s a nonsense to give all Year 4 children a timed test of 25 randomised questions to check this. The MTC doesn’t help the child continue to improve in Years 5 and 6 and it also doesn’t help the school evaluate provision to support all children to know and recall all multiplication bonds. It’s a nonsense assessment!




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